Pomegranates and Health

Did you know that a single pomegranate contains approx 40% of our recommended daily dose of vitamin C? Now that's good news. Pomegranates are a rich source of vitamins A, E and folic acid as well. A pomegranate contains 3 times the levels of antioxidants found in Green Tea and red wine. In fact it contains more antioxidants than any other natural food source. That's amazing.
It is also a fat free and high in fiber which is perfect for the person watching their weight. The best parts are very tasty.

Healthy Strawberries

Don't you just love strawberries?? They are not only delicious, but very beneficial to your health. Strawberries are high in vitamin C and also contain significant levels of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight free radicals. Not only are these little fruits versatile and nutritious and delicioius, they are one of the best, sweet tasting fruits you can buy in season. When purchasing these little gems make sure they are firm and mold free. Pick strawberries that are deep red because unlike other fruits strawberries will not ripen. They are as ripe as they're going to get when picked. Fresh strawberries are the best, frozen strawberries tend to lose most of the their nutrients. Be sure to include these little fruits with your daily allotment of 5 servings and vegetables a day.

  • For more information on strawberries go to chetday.com.

Blue Berry Health

I love blue berries which are loaded with good things when it comes to health. Who would have thought that these tiny little berries provided the nutrients that are necessary for healthy living. They are only but one of the many fruits, berries and foods that we can eat when being health conscience, however they sure do taste good on cereal, salads and other meals.

Low Salt Recipes

When I started taking lowering my salt intake seriously I immediately realized that I had to change my eating habits which started at the grocery store. This quickly evolved into the reality of changing how I cooked my meals which required finding some great new recipes.

All Recipes has some great recipes and information on low sodium diets and cooking. I highly recommend this site.

Low Sodium Cooking

If you are like me, you love to eat steaks, bake potato w/lots of butter and chives, with a nice salad with some great home made Italian dressing and of course with a salt shaker siting next to your plate at the dinner table.

Well, that was before my heart attack. Since then I have educated myself on those little granules and cut my salt intake by around 80%. For some fantastic information on sodium and cooking visit Low Sodium Cooking

Less Sodium, Better Health

Tips For eating less salt and sodium- first read the food label to choose foods lower in sodium.
Secondly, eat fewer canned and processed foods that are high in sodium (e.g., bologna, crisp pork rinds, sausage, pepperoni, salami, hot dogs, regular canned and instant soups, cheese, and chips). Thirdly, eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of salty snacks. Sticking to a low salt diet may seem difficult in the beginning, but once you get used to eating healthy it will pay off.

  • For more information on women's health and eating a low sodium diet visit women's health.

Sodium and A Healthy Diet

Most adults consume more sodium than they are aware of in their diet. It's important to be aware of how much daily sodium intake you ingest due to the health risks associated with a high sodium intake. Some of the health risks involved with high sodium intake are heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and congestive heart failure.
  • For more information on sodium intake and health visit mayo clinic where you will find lots of great information about various sodium intake and more.

Life Perspective

The importance of living a healthy life requires having a healthy mind. The thoughts that we think and entertain have a huge impact on various aspects of our lives. This blog is dedicated to living a healthy life through healthy minds.